Session 2

The party found the cartographer's in the market place. The cartographer was a old man with haphazard white hair sticking out from his head, fair skin as if he spends too much time indoors, and ink stained hands and tunic. His name was Jenly. When they asked him about the Dryanic Forest, he sold them a map of Terika, where the forest is located. He also imparted to them that no one had come back from Terika alive. He also let them know of a ship set to sail for Terika, by mentioning selling them a map of the seas surrounding the island.  The party proceeded to the docks, where they found two ships capable of carrying cargo and passengers, and lots of fishermen. The first boat they hailed was not the one they were searching for, but the captain was also quick to warn them that anyone who sails for Terika must be mad. The captain of the ship sailing for Terika was named "Old Lany". They proceeded to the ship, booked passage there and back for 1 gold peice, ate lunch, and then slept. Apon awakening, they had found that they had already set sail, and that Jun-Kanoo had left. On her bed, they found the saphire rose and a note. It read:

To Everyone:
    Sorry. I had to go. Pressing business. Wish you all the luck.


And here we leave our party 'til next time.

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