The players
were at the Rising Sun Tavern, Sentia, San,
where they were each approached by a person whom only they could see. (At
this point, Bragnor has yet to join our company). The person led each of
them outside, where the invisible people became visible to all assembled.
The party was taken to a feild, where they met a couple, who turned out
to be Brigid and Lyhn.
The people who led them there had been their children.
The gods asked for the help
of our party in retrieving an ancient artifact guarded by Old Magic, which
ment death to the gods themselves. The artifact is needed because the world
is dying, and the only way to restore it, as fortoled by the Green Prophecy,
is to retrieve this artifact of creation. The party agreed to take on this
task. Their first order of business is to journey to the Dryanic
Forest and seek out a copy of the Green Prophecy. To aide them in their
quest, each of the lesser gods present presented a gift to a person in
the party. The gifts were as follows:
Maldor Flind - a rose quartz rose which alerts
by turning red and heating when danger is near, given by Tema.
Jun-Kanoo - a saphire rose which, when broken,
makes immortals mortal, given by Tem.
Zherbus - a sword which can kill risen dead,
given by Kalya.
Ril'enu Quamos - a paintbrush which can change
appearance of party 1 time, given by Styra.
All - Brigid and Lyhn bestow a blessing on them all which will alert the
god and goddess when help is needed and will alert the party when they
are close to Old Magic, and gave them all 10 gp, 50 sp, 100 cp, 5 cp of
which was spent on their rooms for the night.
The party went back to the
Rising Sun Inn, and got a good nights rest. On awakening, they decided
to go to a cartographer's in the market place and find out where the Dryanic
Forest lies.