Jun-Kanoo is a beautiful half-elven woman. Beautiful doesn't actually cover it, she is stunning. She has blonde hair that is so light to be almost white cascading down her back and flowing over her sholders. Her eyes are a brilliant emerald green, framed by her increadibly long lashes that seem to touch her eyebrows. She has chisled features that are softened by her full lips and delicatly fair skin. Her cheeks always have a rosy tint to them, and her lips appear to be almost red. She stands only 5'0", and weighs approximately 105 pounds. Over her 34-24-34 figure, she wears a tight, lace-up, short-sleeved, black tunic; a ankle length skirt with slits to her hips; elven crafted leather shoes made for both walking and dancing; and a black, hooded cloak that reaches to her knees. She carries a sword on her left hip with a black hills gold and silver hilt shaped like grapevines with thorns and a leaf as the pomel, and a bow carved with the grapevine design and arrows on her back. She also carries a pack with her.
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