Daughter of Brigid and Lyhn. She is Klyn's twin sister. She is pictured as a muscular young woman, around 19, holding a drawn bow. She has her father's eyes, and her mother's hair, and the same skin as her twin. She is worshipped by warriors, rangers, and paladins. Of all of the other gods and goddesses, she is one of the only ones who's secret band is known. Every god and goddess have a society of hand-picked men and/or women who have an intimate relationship with their god/dess. Kalya's society is called The Lawbringers, and is comprised soely of women. They are feirce fighters, supposedly chosen at birth and trained by Kayla herself. The go around the world, bringing law to those places without law. No one knows who they are, and the only time you could identify them is before it is too late. When on a lawbringing assignment, they wear full armor which is made of blue metal. They wear blue clothing under their armor and even their leather straps are died blue.