For this game, you may create a character using AD&D 2nd ed. rules, with one exception. I am allowing all classes in the Monster Manual. This is a double edged sword. If you pick a two-headed ogre, the towns people in the places you will be traveling will probably stone you, so choose wisely. I do not allow kits at this point in time, because I am not familiar with them.
For stats, please use the 3d6 method, then you may place the numbers where you would like. If you need a roller, there is a good one at
All characters start at level 1.
I place a strong emphasis on history and appearance. To obtain history information, please see the map page. If you have a picture of your character, please include it when you submit your character sheet.
For the character sheet, I would like this format. Here is a sample character for you to see.
Name: Caylee
Sex: Female
Age: 18 years old
Race: Half-Vampire/Half-Elf
Align: NG
Class: Fighter/Mage/Thief
Level: 1/1/1
Experiance: 0/0/0
Str 18/76
Dex 12
Con 11
Wis 13
Int 13
Cha 13
Hit Points 11 Movement Rate 12 Thac0 19 AC 7
Saving Throws
Paralyze/Poison/Death 13
Rod/Staff/Wand 11
Petrification/Polym. 12
Breath Weapon 12
Spell 15
Weapon Proficiencies
1) Bow, composite short
2) Dagger (or dirk)
3) Sword, bastard
4) Whip
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
1) Dancing
2) Direction Sense
3) Languages, Modern
4) Riding, Land-based
5) Singing
6) Swimming
1) Common - Spoken
2) Elven - Written/Spoken
3) Dwarvish - Spoken
4) Ancient Elven - Written
5) Gnomish - Spoken
Racial Qualities (if applicable)
1) Special Attacks:
Elven -
+ 1 to hit with bow or sword
2) Special Defenses:
- Weapons of less than +1 enchantment pass through vampires without harming
them in any way
3) Magic Resistance:
Elven -
90% resistance to sleep and all charm-related spells
- Sleep, charm, and hold spells do not affect vampires. Similarly, they
are unharmed by poisons and immune to paralysis. Spells that are based
on cold or electricity cause only half damage
4) Other Abilities:
Elven -
10% chance per level to possess a magical item of use to his or her class;
infravision up to 60 feet
- Gaze results in a charm spell when in darkness. Due to the power
of this enchantment, a -2 is applied to the victim's saving throw vs. spell;
vampires regenerate 1 hit points per turn; Vampires can summon lesser creatures
for aid (Bats or wolves. Only 10% chance of success)
Thieving Skills (if applicable)
Pick Pockets: 25%
Open Locks: 15%
Find/Remove Traps: 20%
Move Silently: 20%
Hide in Shadows: 15%
Detect Noise: 20%
Climb Walls: 85%
Read Languages: 20%
Backstab Modifier: x2
Hair: Blonde - almost white
- to mid back
Eyes: Emerald Green
Skin: Fair
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 105 lbs
1) Tight,
lace-up, short-sleeved, black tunic
2) Ankle
length skirt with slits to hips
3) Elven
crafted leather shoes made for both walking and dancing
4) A black,
hooded cloak that reaches to knees
1) Sword
on left hip with a black hills gold and silver hilt shaped like grapevines
with thorns and a leaf as the pomel
2) A dagger
on left thigh with the hilt the same as sword
3) Another
such dagger on right thigh
4) Another
dagger strapped to ribs so that the hilt is between breasts
5) Form-fitting,
leather bodysuit of armor, elven crafted
6) A bow
carved with the grapevine design
7) Quiver
of arrows on back
8) Money
pouch under tunic (62 gp, 62 sp 50 cp)
9) Pack
1) 6 extra pairs of shoes
2) Tight, black pants
3) Extra tunic
4) Blanket
5) Flint and tinder
6) Theives' tools (kept in wooden box inside cloth pouch)
7) Money pouches under false bottom with secret catch {kinda like a puzzle
box} (4) (Black pouch= 62 gp 62 sp 625 cp)(Green Pouch= 63 gp 63 sp 625
cp)(Blue Pouch=63 gp 63 sp 625 cp)(Yellow Pouch= 575 cp)
8) Spellbook (bound in leather, grapevine design on binding)
Level 1
1) Audible Glamer
2) Cantrip
3) Comprehend Languages - Reversible
4) Burning Hands
5) Detect Magic
6) Enlarge - Reversible
7) Feather Fall
8) Identify
9) Magic Missile
10) Read Magic
Level 2
1) Alter Self
2) Continual Light - Reversible
3) Deeppockets
4) ESP
5) Fog Cloud
6) Forget
7) Levitate
Level 3
1) Blink
2) Clairaudience
3) Clairvoyance
4) Dispel Magic
5) Fireball
Level 4
1) Confusion
2) Improved Invisiblity
was raised by her mother, an elf, in a forest community. Her father had
been a passing gentleman, Caylee knew nothing of him, nor had she ever
met him. Her mother only said that he was very handsome. Her mother taught
her the trade of magic, so that one day she might take her place in their
community. Her grandfather, who use to be a guard in the King's army, taught
her to use sword and bow in defense. He doted on his granddaughter, and
arranged for her to have lessons in dance and singing. Caylee proved innately
adept at both, seeming to know what her instructor was going to say before
he did. Her grandfather presented her with a gift of shoes on her 16th
birthday. They were exquisitly crafted, durable enough to withstand the
rigors of walking, yet flexable enough to allow her to dance in them. One
day, while she was at a neighboring town visiting her aunt, her town was
attacked. The entire villiage was sacked and burned, and all it's inhabitants
killed. Caylee returned to find everyone she loved dead in the streets.
She ran to her home, and found it mercifully standing, if without its roof.
She entered the house, packed an old pack she found in her mother's closet
with some clothing, a blanket, flint and tinder, some extra clothing, her
shoes, all the money contained in the home, and her mother's spellbook.
She went into the town, and aquired all the money she could find from the
smoldering homes. She set out on her own. She was taught to steal by an
older woman who took pity on her starving in the street of some town or
another, unable to get work. The old woman was dying, and wanted to pass
on her knowledge. She did so with Caylee, and she also passed on her theive's
tools, which Caylee kept hidden in her pack until such time as she needs
I will let you know how many spells/level will be contained in your spellbook based on your history.
If you would like, you can download a txt file that is set up for this character sheet. Click here.
After you have completed your character, submit it to me at [email protected] or over ICQ. My # is 9078396.