Name: Sex: Age: Race: Alignment: Class: Level: 1 Experiance: 0 Abilities Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Hit Points Movement Thac0 AC Saving Throws Paralyze/Poison/Death Rod/Staff/Wand Petrification/Polym. Breath Weapon Spell Weapon Proficiencies * feel free to add as many numbers as necessary for your character to the proficiencies 1) 2) Non-Weapon Proficiencies 1) 2) Languages 1) 2) Racial Abilities (if applicable) 1) 2) Theives Skills (if applicable) Pick Pockets: Open Locks: Find/Remove Traps: Move Silently: Hide in Shadows: Detect Noise: Climb Walls: Read Languages: Backstab Modifier: Appearance Hair: (color, length) Eyes: (color) Skin: (tone) Height: ' " Weight: lbs Clothing: * remember color 1) 2) Equipment: * remember location 1) 2) 3) Pack (if applicable) 1) 2) 3) Spellbook (if applicable) Level 1 1) 2) History