Nelema, Arim, Seni, & Jelm - Self-Governed

 Lak - On Nelema, it is a port city on the north east cost. It has a blacksmith and a horse farm, along with houses, and a shrine to Lin.
 Ty - On Nelema, it is a port city on the west cost. It has a tannyard and a dragon roost, along with houses, and a shrine to Lin.
 Iny - On Nelema, it is a port city on the south cost. It has a healer's shop and a general market place, along with houses, and a shrine to Lin.
 Jal - On Jelm, it is the only town. It hosts the port, a tavern, an inn, a market place, and a shrine to Lin. The homes are scattered about the countryside.
 Lyl - On Arim, it is the only town. It hosts the port, a tavern, an inn, a market place, and a shrine to Lin. The homes are scattered about the countryside.
 Hew - On Seni, it is the only town. It hosts the port, a tavern, an inn, a market place, and a shrine to Lin. The homes are scattered about the countryside.