Maneli - Monarchy

 Yu - Only city on the island, it is home to the monarchs of the island and their palace, plus a market place, a blacksmith's, a tannery, a horse farm, and a dragon roost on the outskirts, along with the houses to accomidate the population there, and a shirne to all the god/desses.
 Tri - Town of the Livestock Fair. Has 3 inns and 2 taverns, and the market place and pens for the Fair. Shrine to Rhiannon.
 Gre - Town of the Farmer's Fair. Has 3 inns and 2 taverns, and the market place where the Fair is held. Shrine to Senal.
 Pel - Port town. Houses one tavern and one inn, and fisherman's houses and work shanties. Shrine to Lin.
 Lia - Port town. It has one tavern, one inn and one brothel, and fisherman's homes and work shanties. Shrine to Ster.
 Ja - Elven community on the border of El Grove that houses the healers of the country. Shrine to Cyrus.
 Hen - Community of Druids, houses the Tomb of Knowledge, where all the ancient Druid lore is kept. Shrine to Dryan.
 Om - Community of sheepherders. Shrine to Brigid.
 Ne - Community of goat farmers. Shrine to Rhiannon.
 Ko - Community of cow farmers. Shrine to Lyhn.
 El Grove - The only trees on the island, they are cherry bearing trees.

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