Lanisum - Province of Immnia

 Jank - A city that houses the homes where the monarchs stay when they are visiting. It also has an elaborate market place, 3 inns, 2 taverns, and a temple to the 4 major deities.
 Kni - A costal city, it contains the only port on the island. It also contains a market place, a fisherman's row, a sherrif's station, a jail, 2 inns, 4 taverns, a brothel, and a temple to all the minor deities, along with the homes of the fishermen.
 Lonm - A farmer's town, it contains an inn, a tavern, a market place, a shrine to Senal, and the homes of the people who live there.
 Low - A rancher's town, it contains an inn, a tavern, a market place, a shrine to Rhiannon, and the ranches, some of which contain fruit orchards.
 Ewo - A mining town, it contains an inn, a tavern, a market place, a blacksmith's, a tannyard, a shrine to Brigid, the mines on the outskirts of town, and the homes of the miners.
 Cam - A farmer's village, it contains a shrine to Rhiannon.
 Hiq - A fisherman's village, it contains a shrine to Lin.