
And there shall be born among those of the Kin, a man. And he shall rule among them. And to him shall be born a son, and he shall be marked on his palm with a sign not unlike the talyberry leaf. And he shall go out onto the Great Sea and over unto those who are rounded of ears and find unto him a bride. And she shall bear him children. And she shall bear him a son who bears the mark on his palm. And he shall go forth and make his way in the world. And the Innocent shall come to him, and he shall return with them unto the land which is his father's home and which is home to the Daughters.

And the Daughters of the Forest shall flourish.  They shall find a male who be not of women, and he shall protect them.  And they shall be given unto them males for enjoyment.  And their race shall flourish.  And they shall be the Keepers of Knowledge, and they shall guard it well.  Woe be the male who catches their eyes, for he shall be enslaved by their beauty.

There shall come to the Daughters those who do not believe, and shall say unto them that they are monsters, and shall cut into the precious trees which are their life-blood.  And She Who Is Not Whole shall rise up and smote the unbelievers, and chase them from the trees.  And these unbelievers shall run, and shall go to the water.  And never again in six lifetimes shall the Daughters be threatened.

And behold!  There shall appear unto you a time of great peral.  And the oceans shall not flourish and the land shall wither.  And of those among you who be not of women, there shall be two.  And those two shall sow their seeds in the world and in the heavens.  And those of their seed shall find those pure of heart and innocent of deed to go forth.  And they shall travel unto the Daughters of the Forest, and they shall demand knowledge.  And low! The daughters shall supply it.  And one shall be lost.  And the others shall be inflamed, and shall go forth into dangers untold, and they shall face beings of Evil.  Unto them shall come three horrors: The Walking Dead, Those Who Do Not Die, and The Temptation.  And the seeds of the two shall give unto the Innocent gifts to protect them.  And so shall they venture unto the frozen lands of the Woman-Beasts, and there shall they face danger.  But here shall they find knowledge in the Place of Prophets, in the Forbidden Mountain, and there shall they find the resting place of that which they seek.  That which is Old Magic created and Old Magic protected.  This shall be the savior of the world, and this is what they seek.  Beware!  For those who be not of women may not seek out this thing, for they shall perish from the Old Magic, which was in it's creation, a ward against themselves.

And behold!  There shall be a great shudder, and the Earth shall rip asunder, and mountains shall rise up in the Land of the Cousins, and it shall spew forth fire, and there shall be threat.  Fear not!  For one shall come who is from far, yet is akin to the Cousins, and she shall have Knowledge, and she shall quelch the fire, and shall render the mountain barren, so that it shall never agian spew forth it's foul seed.  Seek her not!  For she shall come unto you, and she shall hold a babe in her arms who is the savior of the world.  This babe shall know your ways, and speak unto you in the Secret Language, and shall speak with animals, and shall speak with plants.  This child shall be the one to bring forth the Ring of Laurel from its long hidden place, and shall place it apon the head of the Queen of the World, and she shall lead the world of Humans.  And there shall be peace unto the Evil Ones, and they shall become Good again.

The Protector shall come down, and he shall walk among the Daughters. And there shall be one among you who shall fancy him, and she shall take him to her bed, and she shall birth a half-breed who shall go forth into the world. And she shall cure the sickness, and she shall help the poor, and she shall house the homeless. And those not of women shall become hateful and they shall conspire to smote the daughter. And the daughter shall hide among the round ears, and she shall take unto her a male, and he shall lead the round ears, and she shall bear a son before she shall perish. And he shall hold the reigns of the world in his hand, for behold! He shall be the first male born unto the Daughters, and he shall bring love and peace to the world, and he shall take as his followers women of the Kin, and they shall become the Healers, and they shall cleanse the earth.

* The green prophecy was written by a Dryanic Prophet. These are the only pages that remain of it. The rest, supposedly 100 pages long in it's entirety, is lost. No one is quite sure where. That contained here is only 3 of the original 100. These three pages are kept by a sect among the Dryads known as the Keepers of Knowledge. They reside somewhere inside the Dryanic Forest in Terika. They are said to posses documents that tell the entire history of the Dryads, including their prophecies and religious documents.