The Craftsman's God

Supposedly the son of Brigid and Lyhn, although it is rumored that he and his twin were sired by a mortal. He is Styra's twin brother. He is pictured as a child of 8 molding a clay pot on a wheel. He is identical to Brigid. He is worshipped by potters, sculptors, and occasionaly artists. He is the only god who's society is known. It is named The Crystal Vase. Those who are in this society are the best sculptors and potters on the planet. They are given a crystal vase when they are admitted into the society by the god, which is reputed to be indestructable, and is tinted purple. Also, those who are in the society often are head to toe in purple, from hat to boots. Any who worship the god usually have purple on the in some form.